Sunday, July 7, 2013

Independence Weekend at HRBT

Finally was able to go out this weekend! Man it has been busy between work and my back going out. Anyway here is a quick report for Independence weekend. I started out by going to HRBT (Hampton Side) around 8:30, just in time for high tide. It was a slow day and really didnt grab all that much. I started by some old pilings and got a few taps but nothing set. Saw some kayakers off the point where specks are usually hiding but my back was starting to hurt so I didnt paddle that far. Ended up hitting my honey hole and on the way hit the grass flats with a 4 inch swim mullet. Grass was thick but I felt a solid bite and set the hook. Bam! got a nice red on and got him up into the boat.

 I worked the grass for a bit but decided to move to the honey hole. It was very slow and id been fishing for about 2 hours before I decided to call it quits. I tossed out the line one more time with a 5 inch Jerk Shad (New Penny) and drifted back trying to get a flounder. I felt a subtle bite of my flat friend and set the hook and landed a nice 18inch Flattie. I always get at least one flounder when I go out. 

Overall it was a pretty slow day. 4 fish in 2.5 hours. The Flounder, Red, Croaker and Spot was all I caught that day. All were released for ya'll to catch em. 




  1. How do you catch flat fish like that? I havnt caught a keeper yet this year!

    1. Usually, I choose a 4/5 inch swim mullet or a 5-7 inch jerk shad on a 3/8 oz hook for the 4 inch mullet a 1/0 hook is enough and on a 5 inch mullet/jerk shad i use a 3/0. the 6/7 inch baits i use a 6/0 long shank and "texas rig" the bait with a quarter oz leadhead and reel it along the bottom with alot of twitches.

  2. stumbled on your blog. i do some yak fishing too, but when its hot i usually stick to the T-Top. Nice flounder, they have been hard to come by this year.

    1. Thanks boss, flounder have been pretty steady for me at least 1 keeper every time. I am having trouble with specks though.

  3. nice day you had out there bro. hope you get your speck soon

    1. yeah, it would be nice! Need to see you out on the water man. Hope you are feeling better.
