Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Equipment Essentials

So I have been seen a lot of people asking "What do I need to kayak fish?" Well here we are I put together the basics of what is needed to kayak fish on this post. I will have another soon with additional items that I use. Mind you, these are what I believe to be the essentials and some of which are required. So here we go. 

First off you will need a Kayak (DUH!!!) I have an Ocean Kayak Trident 13. There are many different brands and distributors  I prefer the Trident 13 but there are a lot of people that have Hobies, Wilderness Systems and so on. All about the preference and what you want to do. Kayaks come in all colors and sizes so be sure to choose wisely.

Ocean Kayak Trident 13 (Yellow)

Next up We have your life vest (PFD) and whistle, the whistle in this picture is the little orange thing. These two are required to have when Kayak fishing per the Coast Guard. There are many different types of PDF's and sound devices but these are what I use. By the way, PFD stands for Personal Flotation Device. This one is the ExtraSport Osprey Fishing Vest.

Extrasport Osprey

We have the Kayak Paddles next, which are a must since I doubt you will get far without one. This paddle came with my kayak but you can usually get three different types. First are the Aluminum ones, then ya got the Fiberglass and last and most expensive is the carbon fiber. The aluminum ones are the cheapest but also the heaviest. I haven't had a problem with my fiberglass one which is pictured below. Carbon fiber is the lightest, most durable but usually cost a pretty penny. 

Fiberglass Kayak Paddle

Another item that is required to have by the Coast Guard (during the night) is a boat light. This wonderful item is the VisiPole 2 by Yak Attack. This sweet light has a Scotty mount on the bottom and a bright long lasting LED light on top. You can also attach a flag to the top where the light is. I highly recommend this one or the Visicarbon Pro.

VISIPole 2

Seats are optional but your arse is gonna hurt after a few hours. This is the standard seat that came with the Trident 13.

Need a stringer to keep your fish on. I usually have a stringer during the winter and spring months. Then I have a cooler for summer time when it gets hot.

Simple Fish Stringer

Going to need a Measuring device to make sure you are legally catching fish. If you click the picture it will link to my review of this awesome tool.
Hawg Trough

Sometimes it gets rough out on the water. I love the trident since it has the rod pod to stow your belongings and keep them dry. I use this dry bag just in case to make sure nothing gets wet or to even stow water and snacks. Just toss everything in the sac roll it up and snap it together and we are good to go! This particular model is the Sealine Kodiak Sac

Dry bag

During those windy days its going to be tough to stay in one place. That is what the anchor is for. Usually you can get away with a 1.5lb grapple style anchors. This one in particular is a 5 lber. Anchors come in different sizes and types so check them out and see which one you like best. 

Anchor with about 30 ft of rope

 This little guy is my Otter box dry box. I use it to put my keys, wallet and cell phone in. Much easier than having to stow in the dry bag and rummage around to find. I usually leave my phone in here and just toss on my Bluetooth while paddling. As some people have commented it it is wise to have a waterproof cell phone case just in case.
Otter Box

For those night fishing days you are going to need some light to help. This is the head lamp that will get it done. Small takes 2 AAA batteries and has three 4 different modes. This guy will help you light your way during the pitch black nights. 

Definitely going to need a fishing pole or four when out fishing. Not to mention lures, tackle, etc....
Im partial to Penn, specifically as you can see their Battle Series of Reels.

Penn Battles 2000-4000

Last but not least I always keep a knife with me. This one in particular is my dive knife. I usually strap to my leg during the summer or my waders during the winter.

Dive Knife

Another Item I do not have listed just yet is a VHF radio. Preferably, a submersible, just in case it goes overboard. I have on shipped on the way so I will update this post when I get it. Also thanks to all who commented. You are right I forgot to mention that layers are essential! During the summer make sure you have enough protection from the sun. During the winter you must dress enough to keep you warm and be prepared even if you go overboard. Last of all dont forget the snacks and water! Dont know how many times a Power Bar and the water saved me lol. 

Thanks to all who contributed!

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  1. There is something you forgot that is very important a VHF Radio one that is waterproof and if it floats even better, GPS and a back up compass, if you have a phone you need a waterproof case or dry bag. some snacks and water
    by the way PDF is a file, it should be PFD.
    Good idea, this will help a lot of people getting started.

    1. Thank You! Completely forgot about the VHF Radio and I have one that is should be mailed to me today!!! Post is updated with all mentioned thanks for the reminder Luis. I took the pictures and didnt upload them!

  2. Hi, PDF means "pretty damn fast"! It's a PFD. I always carried all my electronics in Aquapacs. If the fall in the water, they don't get ruined instantly, and you can use them without opening the Pac. I put my cell phone in one, remote for car in one, and VHF radio in one! Also yopu need to bring drinking water and lunch!Kayak booties make for comfortable feet!Piranha

  3. There are a lot of things to consider. Depending on where you go & what happens, things can get ugly and miserable. Here are a few more: dress in layers, stow layers in a dry bag in a hatch, sun-screen, hat, sun glasses, leashes for the rods (sucks to lose stuff in the drink), waders can keep you warm and dry, a manual bilge pump just in case you take on water, and already mentioned bring some munchies and plenty of water (dehydration sucks.)

    1. Well said, Layers is essential especially during the winter out here on the east coast where the water gets in the high 30's and low 40s. Good call. Ill update as I take the pictures. Thanks for the response!!!

  4. I forgot a coupla things, I always have a small compass in my vest and am very aware of the direction back to shore(harbor) in case of a sudden fog bank! Also, you need something to measure fish for legality! I believe that is a law!

    1. Agreed I have a Post under Equipment for just that! I will link it to this page! Thanks for the comment!


  5. Fish on a stringer...in salt water.
    Isn't that called "trolling for shark"? Better tie it on with a weak link. I prefer a cooler, soft-pack, even.

    1. Sharks arent that big a deal during the winter here. Summer is when they are nuisance.

  6. Thank you all for contributing. I just updated the blog.
